Creative Marketing Agency | Boost Your Business with Cool Nerds

Creative marketing agency

The Premier Creative Marketing Agency As a business owner, you understand the significance of having a robust online presence in today’s digital era. Customers frequently turn to the internet to find the products and services they need, which is why it’s critical to work with a creative marketing agency and have a marketing strategy that […]

5 cost effective marketing tips for snack and chips brands.

snack brand social media content.

Plan marketing strategies for snack and chips brands. Starting a snack or chip CPG (consumer packaged goods) company can be exciting, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges for start-up snack and chip companies is figuring out how to create an effective marketing plan. In this blog […]

Favorite Fonts of 2019 (So Far!)

Favorite Fonts of 2019 (So Far!) Peyton Beard, Social Media Specialist While there are new typefaces being published every day, and hundreds of thousands made public online every year. Design is becoming seemingly oversaturated with clones and clones of the same or similar high-trend typefaces. Those that possess a flair for the dramatic, accessibility and […]

So Bad It’s Good

May 28, 2019 by Peyton Beard | Social Media Specialist Image Credit: Katerina Kamprani Let’s face it: there’s a lot more bad design in the world than good. Designers and non-designers alike LOVE to point out, praise, and analyze good design when they see it, but understanding bad design will not only improve one’s personal […]

3 of the Best Recent Updates in Tech and Design

April 23, 2019 by Ryan Goldberg | Graphic Designer The creative and tech industries move pretty fast but every once and a while a big change comes along and you slow down to check it out. Some things that are just too cool to let fly by and I’m going to throw out 3 things […]

Maxon Cinema 4D 101: Welcome to a Whole New World

Feb. 19, 2019 by Ryan Goldberg | Graphic Designer A Quick Intro So you want to learn Maxon’s Cinema 4D or C4D for short, its a 3D software with a ton of function. It’s now becoming more popular in the design community and practically impossible to avoid in the world of motion design. With many […]

2019 Design Trends

by Mike C. | Designer | Trends come and go because that’s what trends do. Keeping up with the Kardashians and the latest trends in fashion is important but it’s also crucial to be prepared for the trends that will be upcoming in 2019. 2019 will bring us a collection of exotic trends ranging from […]

Top Features of Cinema 4D R20

by Ryan G. | Graphic Designer | CNM Cinema 4D R20 has recently come out and it is the biggest and baddest release in my 6 years of working in this program. The introduction of Volumes through the OpenVDB library is a game changer in the world of modeling especially for people like myself who […]

Snapchat filter for University of Delaware

We launched the filter 6/14/17 and have had over 1,333 uses in less than 24 hours! Snapchat is a growing platform in our world and communities! Many of our nerds are University of Delaware alumni or live in local areas, one noticed that Newark did not have enough cool filters, so we put our graphic […]

Effective Logo Design Tips

Before exploring the ins and outs of what makes a logo design effective, let us take a brief moment to reflect on what exactly a logo is, and what it is not. A logo, simply put, is an identifier; it is also a device used to build brand recognition, build trust and loyalty with your […]