Digital Advertising Trends for H2 2020

Digital Advertising Trends for H2 2020

Alina Peon | Cool Nerds Marketing Intern

We can all agree that 2020 has been a hard year for everyone and that most of us are eager for a fresh start. As we reach the second half of 2020 and approach Q3 and Q4 in the business world, most of us are asking ourselves: how do we market our business in this last half of the year? 

If you are a sports fan, many times you have come up to witness a similar scenario: your team wasn’t playing well, in fact, all fingers pointed at a big loss, but despite that, you are still hopeful, energetic and invested enough to believe your team can still make a big turn around and snatch that second half win – taking everyone by surprise.

In the business world, marketing is all about the numbers: stats, percentages, predictions, etc. Just like in sports, predictions based on numbers can dictate the best course of action or the best strategy to get that W. 

            In this blog, we discuss two predictions for both final quarters of 2020, but our best recommendation is: just keep pushing. The year 2020 has shown us we need to be resilient, and go from underdog to champion that is just what we need! Keep focusing on getting the W, on making the objectives, on strengthening your business and strategy; surround yourself with motivational and experienced people – like us, your Cool Nerds – and most importantly: keep pushing.

The first half of 2020, was devastating for the digital advertising industry but for the upcoming H2 of 2020, this prediction is key in determining how to market for the last half of the year:

  • hopes for the sales side during Q3 and Q4

For Q3 and Q4, there is still hope for the sales side as many advertisers pushed their planned ad campaigns to later dates instead of canceling them altogether. Many, as well, plan to re-start their digital marketing campaigns and activities as soon as the pandemic eases over. In addition, a large number of businesses are planning ahead by developing alternative strategies in the case of a second COVID-19 wave happening, a crisis planning process that is new to the marketing world yet based on a fundamental behavior – thinking ahead!

  • Key Prediction: Digital advertising budgets will most definitely be in action during Q4 2020, despite the situation.

This trend: a hopeful sales side, will make the end of 2020 a little more hopeful than the past six months.

Now, it is all about taking Q3 and Q4 the best they can be! Implementing a strategy based on the positive sales side, and the help of an expert agency like Cool Nerds Marketing to advise and guide you through trends and best approaches, you can win 2020 in the second half! Because at Cool Nerds Marketing we want to help you see the half-full part of the glass and work to end the year on the best possible note. 



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